Usually, Telegram channels are for advertising and introducing your products, you can put unlimited loads of your advertising posts on your channel. The more members a channel has, the more credible that channel is .

How to Buy Telegram subscribers ?

You can buy Telegram channel members from our site . The following two articles will help you buy the service .

Today, social networks play a big role in our daily lives . The Telegram social network is a powerful and functional social network that currently has more than 400 million monthly active users . Given the special capabilities, security and speed of the Telegram social network, it is predicted that it will have the first place in the next two years and Facebook will fall to the second place.

Why should you buy telegram subscribers ?

Let me give you a simple example, you receive two similar advertisements from two sellers and immediately open their telegram channel. The first seller channel owns 170 members and the second seller channel owns 7,000 members, which one do you trust the most? Which one do you think a user trusts the most? Definitely, the second seller has a better chance of attracting new members and more sales, because considering the high number of members of that channel, the user thinks that at least 7,000 people have liked the channel before.

It is natural for new users to pay attention to the number of your followers on social networks, and this is an important factor in attracting members.

Why does every business need to be active in popular social networks like Telegram?

As a business manager, you would definitely like to increase the sales of your business so that you can make more profit. It allows you to introduce your business to the users of this social network and you can earn more profit.


Why do we suggest Telegram, a popular social network?

Telegram has given many updates in the last few years, so that at the time of the initial version of this article (about 1 year ago), the monthly active users of Telegram were about 400 million, but today this number is over 700 million users. Monthly activity arrives, which is great growth for a social network.

Telegram is one of the most popular and most popular social networks in the country, which has a great impact on the prosperity and development of businesses. This platform can now be considered a store or shopping center where many capitalists and businesses start operating on a daily basis. But what is the reason for the increase in the number of businesses in Telegram? Why do businesses prefer advertising on this platform to other forms of advertising? Today in the Telegram space, we see that businesses are buying members for their Telegram channel; What is the reason for this?

In the field of advertising, the audience plays the most important role because it is the people of the community who use the products and services of businesses to grow and develop them. For this reason, in the field of advertising, there are spaces for publishing ads that have a large number of users. Since its establishment, Telegram has attracted many users in Iran and abroad, and this number is increasing day by day, according to statistics.

Before we talk about the benefits of buying  member for the Telegram channel, you need to know about the methods of buying members. It is also important to note that many businesses, depending on the type of work they do, have to use different methods for Members. In general, buying real members and buying fake members are methods of getting members. It is clear that the real member has many effects on the development and expansion of channels, but the effects of the fake member can not be ignored. As mentioned, businesses should use member buying methods according to their type of activity.

Why should i invest in telegram? (To introduce business in Telegram)

Because Telegram is a special social network , Due to the above paragraph, Telegram will soon have a higher status than Facebook, and having a channel to introduce your products can be highly profitable.

By purchasing a Telegram channel member, you have actually invested in your business, and by increasing the number of members of your channel, your credibility will also increase….

How to increase Telegram Subscribers?

Telegram channels is a great way to broadcast a message to a large set of audiences instantly. Having a large subscribers count in your channel would make real members attracted to your channel. You can start advertising in your channel and make huge money after attracting subscribers for it.(Buy Telegram subscribers)

There are 2 ways to increase your channel / group members in Telegram. (Long method and fast method)

Long method : 

In the long run, you increase the number of members of your channel by placing quality content and sharing with similar channels.

Fast method (recommended) :

In this way, you buy a member for your channel / group at a low cost.

for example : ( 1,000 Fake Members only 4$ and 10,000 Fake Members only 40$ )


Why do we offer a quick solution?

Because in a fast solution you will grow at a high speed for a small fee, this growth will help your business grow a lot. For example, if you want to add 5,000 members to your channel, in a long-term solution this will take a long time, maybe several months and your channel growth will be very slow. But if you buy 5,000 members first and then move on to long-term solutions, your business will grow much faster and better. Because users will trust you and your business better and easier.
The first thing a member does when he enters a channel or group and notices it is the number of members of that group or channel.


What are our services?
How much can you increase my channel members?

We can add up to 1 million members to your channel !

Are the members we buy permanent and stay on the channel?

Depending on the number of posts you have per day and the quality of your channel, a percentage of the members will leave your channel .

Will my order be given as a gift?

yes , 20% ( example : you buy 10,000 members and Receive 12,000 members )


Frequently Asked Questions:


  1. Is this legal?

Yes, it is completely legal and there is no problem or legal prohibition.

  1. Will the added members leave my channel after a while?

For real members this percentage is very high. In Fake members service, this number is below 10%.

3- If I want 50,000 members, can you add it in a few days? For example, 2500 members per day?

Yes, but inform the support after registering the order and preferably before registering the order.

4  will buying members cause problem for my channel?

No, there will be no problems for your channel and we guarantee that all our activities are legal.

5 – How can I purchase?

You can register your order through our site or Telegram support and use Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies and PayPal to pay for it.
