Telegram is a freeware, cross-platform, cloud-based instant messaging service. The service also provides end-to-end encrypted video calling, VoIP, file sharing and several other features. It was launched for iOS on 14 August 2013 and Android on 20 October 2013.

In these 9 years, Telegram has been able to attract a large number of users. Telegram now has more than 1 billion monthly active users worldwide, which is a very large number and shows a very high growth. (Most of this increase has been in the last 3 years)

The reason for the popularity of this social network in the world is its very attractive features – continuous updates and very high security, which is one of the safest social networks. Due to the attractive updates that this social network has had during the last three years, it is predicted that it will soon gain the first place in messaging networks.

Telegram also provides excellent services to businesses so that businesses can use this popular social network to introduce their services to users of this social network and find new customers.

Two important features for businesses are the ability to create a channel and the ability to create a group.


– In the channels you can introduce the news and announcements of your business (channels must not be related to a specific business because most telegram channels are created for entertainment and news)

– In groups, you can introduce business news and announcements, and besides, your users can talk to each other at the same time (a new feature created by Telegram, you can have both at the same time and to each other Connect and users who want to be able to work in your group in addition to the channel)


There are a few simple ways to increase the number of members of your channel or group in the Telegram social network.


– The first solution is to invite your current customers to your channel or group to whom you can send the link (they must be active in the Telegram social network and otherwise they must be members of this social network) The links are public and private to earn and public link works are much better because channels and groups that have public links can be searched in Telegram search and this is a way to attract more audience.

– You can share the link in other social networks that you are active in and also by sharing the link on your site, you will attract good audiences.

– Another solution that is our recommended and better solution for your fastest growth. Buy Telegram members Because by doing so, you have increased your growth rate in this social network. There is also another very good reason for this:

You have increased the number of users of your channel or group with Buy Telegram members and for example when you send the link to a user they will trust you more (for example you trust a channel more than a member Or a channel that ten thousand members have subscribed to before you – definitely a channel that has ten thousand members before you is more reliable and better and more attractive to you and any other user) so even before Sharing the link anywhere else It is better to buy Telegram members.
