First, we will explain about Telegram itself. This popular social network was founded in 2013 and now has more than 9 years of active history, and the main features that made Telegram especially popular among users. We can mention attractive updates (unlike other social networks such as WhatsApp, which have had little development and few features have been added to them, Telegram has constantly had interesting updates)

The second main reason for the popularity of Telegram is its high security, which has been able to gain a lot of popularity around the world and in all countries, because one of the most important concerns of social network users is their security and they hope that social network can provide their security. Keep well.

One of the most attractive features of the Telegram social network is that this attractive social network has special capabilities, including the ability to create an information channel and an information group with attractive capabilities:

– In Telegram channels, you are in one-way communication with your users, meaning that you publish content and news, and users can only view and read them (of course, in the new updates, comments have been added to the posts from Including the ability to send comments for posts and user exchange + the ability to send different emoji’s for posts (for example, liking or disliking posts)

– In Telegram groups, you are in two-way communication with your users, and in addition to you, users can also send content, but with your full management.

In Telegram channels, for every Telegram member who views your post, one observation is recorded (messages in the group are not included in the view!), Ie if ten people view a post in your channel 20 times only The number ten is recorded.

This is why the number of views of channel posts is very important for its managers and is a measure of channel performance and user satisfaction.

For example, if ten thousand members are members of your channel, if after 24 hours only two hundred views are registered for each of your posts, it means that your users are not very interested in your posts or are unreal, then it is better if you have bought a fake member. Be sure to use the automatic visit submission robot.

This robot has very attractive features for you and by increasing the number of views of your channel posts, it will increase your credibility and make your customers more attractive.

The capacity of this robot is 100 posts per minute and a maximum of 40,000 views per post. (For each channel)

The best thing for you is Buy Telegram Post Views and we will explain some of the attractive features of this functional robot to you, including the ability to send automatic views.

The most useful feature of this robot is the ability to automatically send views for your channel posts, ie you register your channel in the robot (there is no channel limit and you can register as many channels as you want) and then set that for each of your posts Send a few views (this number can be between 300 and 40 thousand) and then adjust how fast your order is done, which has 4 modes. After completing the steps, your channel will be registered in the robot, and after sending each post in your channel, your order will be registered in a fraction of a second, and it will be completed at your desired speed.

Buy Telegram Views

Auto Post Views

One of the functional features of our robot is the ability to send Views automatically, you add the robot to your channel and any post that is placed in the channel will be visited automatically according to the number of views you have requested. (From 300 to 40 thousand views)