One of the most attractive features of Telegram is the ability to create a Telegram theme for this messenger. These messengers have recently introduced the feature of creating themes and skins without any program that Telegram lovers of Android, iPhone, Windows can use this tool.

Telegram’s popular encrypted messengers support version 3.17 of new themes. In addition to the large number of themes, you can now create custom themes with the new theme editor. Normally, with Chat Settings, there are several default themes, blue, dark, and , which you can choose from. For example, a dark theme is great for the night, and in addition to eye health, it also helps reduce phone battery consumption.

Making a theme for Telegram (Android phones)

Telegram themes are part of an open platform, meaning that like stickers and robots, anyone can create a theme and create a conversation environment with new colors and stunning backgrounds. Follow the steps below to create a new custom theme:

Open your telegram as usual Go to Settings and select Chat Settings, click on the top three corners here and click Create new theme

Here is a window that opens CREATE THEME, then asks you to choose a name for your theme.

Now tap on the palette symbol.

The following window will open and you will be able to change the color of the menus and text and.. This section has many options that require a lot of time to be able to color each item. Then save and select the Save Theme option.



Select the desired theme for Telegram

Go to Settings and select Chat Settings, select Show all Theme here

Now in the Custom themes section, select the skin you created to be selected as your Telegram skin

Through the three dots next to the shell, you can edit it again and fix its flaws, or share it with your friends from the Share option.

Click , for buy telegram members
