Sometimes we need to report the Telegram group to be blocked, the way to filter or block the channel or group in Telegram is not so easy, but it can be done with effort and follow-up, if the required number of reports to close the channel is closed. Telegram is a lot.

Cyberspace, with all its goodness and meeting everyday needs such as news, intimate conversation environments and business meetings, etc., can sometimes be very destructive and immoral.

Telegram, with its countless users inside the country, is also plagued by immoral and ugly issues, and instead of using this useful tool properly, we are spoiling the youth by broadcasting obscene content in it, and we are showing ourselves in the world. And this has given a lot to the Islamic country and our several thousand years to show ourselves in this world.

Fortunately, Telegram deals with obscene content and blocks accounts and channels of immoral content, but the number of channels and groups is so large that it is not possible to block all of them, so in Channel and Group there is an option called Report that you can Tell the Telegram that this channel is against the rules and will block it.

How to report Telegram Group

To filter the obscene channel or…, first enter the desired channel and then select Report from the top three points on the right.

Then you will be faced with several options that you can report and record according to the content of the channel.

In the top 4 options, if you click on the content channel or Alki Yazareh, select the first option, Spam. (*******graphy) by selecting this option, register your report and in the fourth option, if you encounter other criminal content such as theft, fraud, forgery of names and companies, etc., you will be severely affected.

Number of reports required to block Telegram channel

It is not clear how many people will report so that the Telegram channel will be closed. Don’t think that this channel will be blocked only with your report. Failure of the rules to block it

You can also report emails produced by users, channels, and unlicensed robots via email or

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