Telegram messaging service has recently released another new and attractive update for its mobile application. This time we see the unveiling of a new video editor to improve the quality of video sharing. The new video editor, like the relatively comprehensive Telegram image editor, allows users to set a wide range of options before uploading their videos. Users can also allow the app to automatically adjust the image quality. Simple zooming through gestures allows the user to simply select the frame of the video they want.

Along with the video editor, we now see the addition of animated stickers. This feature allows you to place all the stickers on the videos. Users are even able to type a text or draw their desired patterns on videos; A feature similar to that can be seen in Snapshot or Instagram apps. Users can now add animated stickers to any shared media content (including still images) through the app.

Also, the latest update has a new GIF search feature based on emoticon emoticons. This feature allows the user to quickly search for classified GIF files based on popular emoticons such as thumb or eye. By navigating the folders, you can add and hold your finger on the chat content to add it to a folder or delete it.

Finally, the app now offers new animations to Android users to send, edit or delete messages. The cache management and voice messaging plugin now has a new user interface. The video player plugin has been updated with the aim of faster hiding of captions and control commands. The 2-step authentication page has also been updated.

The new Telegram app is now available for both Android and iOS platforms
