Sending a timed message in Telegram was made possible by updating to version 5.11. You can send a message to a group or individual at any time using the timed message. Telegram made it possible to send timed messages (sent at a specified time in the future). This feature is available not only in groups and channels, but also for chat-to-person chats.

Sending a scheduled SMS in Telegram is used when, for example, you write a message to your friend and arrange for Telegram to send it to him in another hour, while you are asleep or offline.

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How to send a timed message in Telegram

In the new Telegram update, enter the desired conversation and then type your text, now long touch on the send button or the same blue rocket signal (hold for a few seconds) and then click the Schedule message option.

Here you need to select when you want this message to be sent. In the Days section, select Today or Today and Tomorrow, and then select the hour and minute on the other side. Click the blue button at the bottom to get the job done.

According to the image below, the message (hello) will be sent to the person on September 8 at 1:43 AM and you do not need to be online at that time.

Here you can touch the message to have options to change. For example, in the Edit section, you can edit the text. In the Reschedule section, if you enter the wrong time, you can postpone it or delete it if you regret it.

Send timed files in Telegram

You can do the same for pictures or videos instead of messages. For example, if you want to send a photo at a certain time, when you send it, like the tutorial above, touch the Send button for a long time and do the rest as before.

Not setting the telegram clock can interfere with this.

If you do an account while doing this until you send a delete message, the operation will be canceled.

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