One of the keys to success for your Telegram channel is to increase your channel membership. That’s why many channel managers are looking for ways to increase their channel members in the simplest and fastest way possible. This increase in membership is done in various ways such as forced add, fake members, etc. One of these methods is to use the increase of the member of the fake channel and Telegram group. The question that may be on the minds of many of you is what is a fake member and where does it come from?

Fake members are fake accounts that are created using virtual numbers from different countries and there is no real person in them. In recent years, Telegram has blocked the registration of American virtual numbers in order to prevent some people from abusing them, thus destroying the ability to buy and sell fake members.

But after a while, Telegram re-released the use of virtual numbers, and once again, the Fake member market was booming. The important thing about Fake Members is that because they are fake, they will have no effect on your Telegram channel visits and will not do anything for you as a channel manager, only increasing the number of members on your channel.

Advantages of using Telegram Channel members fake

Increasing Telegram Fake members is done quickly and will eventually be added to your channel 24 hours after the members are paid, so you can spend more time on other channel matters.

What is the main benefit of Fake members for Your channel?

These members cause your channel members to rise dramatically in a short amount of time, and it’s only natural that they gain more credibility and acceptance from the audience and newcomers to the channel.

What is a Telegram Fake channel member and how is it added to the channel?

In fact, all members of a channel in Telegram are called members or members.

The main difference between a fake member and a real member is that they are active.

After being added to the channel, the Fake member only increases the number of channel members and is not active in visiting posts or sending posts to other channels.

These types of members are created using official Telegram accounts and, like other members, have profile names and photos.

Since the price of this type of member is lower than other types, it is recommended to use this type of member for the channel at the beginning of the channel launch.

Can channels that use fake members be identified?

Unfortunately, sometimes it is very difficult to identify the channels that use the Fake member, because most of these channels also visit the Fake member at the same time. Of course, normally in a channel with 10,000 members, for example, each post must have at least 2,000 views, otherwise some of its members may be fake. Of course, diagnosing this case is not so easy!

How to Buy Telegram subscribers ?

You can buy Telegram channel members from our site . The following two articles will help you buy the service .

What are our services?
