How To Buy Telegram Fake Members?

Telegram fake membership is a topic that many Telegram channel admins are looking for. Increasing members and increasing content views on Telegram channels can increase admin revenue. For this reason, many admins of Telegram channels buy fake members or members of Telegram. But what is a Fake Telegram member? How to buy a fake member in Telegram? How to create a fake Telegram channel member? How is it possible to detect a fake member in Telegram? Is it possible to delete a fake telegram member?

In this article, we are going to answer the above questions and also offer you suggestions to increase your membership and members of the Telegram channel.

Stay with us until the end of this article.

What is a Telegram Fake Member?

A fake member, or fake member of a telegram, is a fake member of a channel. In the world of telegrams, the value and credibility of channels depends on the number of their members and then on the quality of the content production of that channel. This has made the increase of members in Telegram one of the important concerns of Telegram admins.

Many Telegram channel admins are looking to buy a Telegram channel membership to increase their membership. Fake members are made with virtual numbers. Telegram allows users to create an account with a virtual number. With virtual numbers, you can use the phone numbers of other countries without having a SIM card.

Virtual numbers support many of the features of real SIM cards, but unlike real SIM cards and numbers, they have no external existence and no physical identity. We need an internet connection to activate these numbers.
Telegram fake members are also made with American virtual numbers. Some people, if they have the time and patience, make these members for their channel with virtual numbers and using the fake member-making robot, and others buy the fake Telegram member package.

There are two types of fake telegram subscribers:

Virtual Number Fake Member
Fake member of the soul
Virtual Number Fake Member

Telegram fake members are created with virtual numbers, through software, robots and virtual numbers, and Telegram accounts are created with them. Finally, they are added to your channel with T-Data software. Te data stands for telegram data.

All telegram accounts, both accounts created with real numbers and accounts created with virtual numbers, have information called T-data. Using T-Data, it is possible to create and run a Telegram account on all systems.

If the number of fake accounts you create using virtual numbers is more than normal, Telegram can identify it and burn it. But if you enter Telegram channel members with T-Data, Telegram may not recognize fake members. Fake members are added to your channel via T-Data. Fake members added to your channel in this way will initially increase the number of views of your content, but will no longer be relevant to your channel.

The life of counterfeit Telegram members is often one to two months. After a while, the fake member will be removed by Telegram. Because Telegram detects these counterfeit members.

So do not be fooled by the ads “Buy a telegram fake member without falling”.

Fake member of the soul

The members that are attracted to channels and groups in this way are real, but because of the way they are added to channels and groups, they are called fake members. Users using unofficial versions of Telegram can be forcibly or secretly added to Telegram channels without realizing it. For example, the channel admin buys 100 fake Telegram members from a service; After receiving the package tariff, the service provider will automatically add unofficial versions of Telegram to your channel. In this case, the user will be added to your channel without realizing it. This is a trick to increase the number of Telegram fake members and real members of the Telegram channel.

How to make a Telegram fake member

To create a fake Telegram member with your phone, you must first launch the channel or group you want to subscribe to in the original version of Telegram. Then install a virtual number creation software such as TextPlus or a similar Telegram Fake member creation program. Then create your own virtual numbers. Then download Telegram membership software for iPhone on Google Play, or if you have an iPhone mobile phone.

Next, create your virtual number and then, with the virtual number, create a second account in the unofficial versions of Telegram.

After this, enter the program to create a fake Telegram member and enter your second account. Telegram Fake subscriber programs work in such a way that you have to get coins to increase your Fake channel members.

Every 24 hours after you become a member of these applications, some coins are added to your account daily.
You also get a coin to add each channel. You can even buy some coins cheaply to increase your score.
You can apply for a membership after receiving the coin.

To attract a fake Telegram member, above 2k and increase the free Telegram fake member, you have to do this with two or more phones. You should invite those around you to use these applications.
Ways to detect fake members in Telegram

Fake member detection

Or fake Telegram members are not easy in many cases. In order to identify the fake members of the Telegram group and the Telegram channels, one must pay attention to the proportion of visits to the posts and the number of members. For example, if you are a member of a channel that has more than 3k members but its posts are viewed less than 300 times, be sure that the percentage of members of this channel are unreal.
Equality of post views

To check the authenticity of the members of a channel, you can pay attention to the number of views of the posts of that channel in a certain period.

For example, consider the number of visits to a channel’s posts for a recent week; Channels that have real members must have the same number of visits to their posts or be very close to each other.

This is not the case with channels that have fake members; The posts of these channels have unreasonable views. This means, for example, that the number of visits to one post is very high and decreases sharply in another post.

Enormous increase in channel members in a short period of time

If you became a member of a channel and saw a sudden increase in the number of members of the channel during your membership, the channel admin may have purchased the Telegram Fake member panel.
Channel members fall

Counterfeit members are quickly detected by telegrams. Therefore, fake members have a short life. Telegram deletes the fake group members and channels after identifying them. Also, if Telegram finds out that a user has not been active for a long time, such as a month, it will delete his account.
You may become a member of a channel that has 5k members and after a while you will notice that these members suddenly drop to 3k; Aren’t you surprised? Do not you lose trust in that channel?

Using a fake member in telegram channels may damage your audience’s trust and reduce your credibility.

Is there a benefit to using a fake member?

Fake member; As the name implies, it means a fake member, an unreal member. Increasing the members of the channels in this way is not beneficial for us. Because these members have no activity and can not see your posts. So buying a fake Telegram channel member will not result in more visits for your channel. That is why many people, after buying a fake member in Telegram, also buy Telegram views, scenes or views.

Many people think that by buying a cheap Telegram channel member, they can earn money and receive advertisements through Telegram. This is not possible unless you have a large number of real members. Because otherwise it has no feedback or results for the advertiser, and this can cause the channel that advertised to you to advertise against you and deal a big blow to the credibility of your channel.
Natural ways to increase membership in Telegram

If you decide to go it cheap and risk the low bandwidth you are only fooling yourself. :
Choose an attractive name for the channel

One of the principles of success that is common to every social network; Choose a beautiful and attractive name for our profile. Whether you are active on Instagram or your field of activity is in Telegram, the first step to be seen and shine more is to choose a beautiful, attractive and unique name. The name you choose for your channel should be appropriate for your activity. You should choose this name so that it is easily recorded in the minds of your audience.
Choose a beautiful profile picture

Your profile picture is the first item, after the channel name, that the user sees when encountering your Telegram channel. Profile picture or profile picture has a great effect on attracting the audience. If you own a business or brand, your profile picture should include elements of your brand, such as corporate color, or typography of your brand. Your channel profile picture should reflect your type of activity.
Produce quality content

The main part to attract and keep the audience in the Telegram channel is to produce quality content. You may also have an attractive username or profile, but your audience will leave your channel after joining your channel for a while.
To stay loyal to your audience, you need to always focus on the principle of producing quality content. In producing quality content, creativity comes first. The more creative you are, the more audience you will attract. Certainly no audience would like to be a member of a channel that has seen similar content over and over again.

Create a content production calendar for the Telegram channel

You need to have a good timeline for publishing content; Publishing too much content in a short period of time can be annoying for the audience. Also, if you do not work on your channel for a long time, users will miss your channel and you will lose your audience.

You should try to publish content and posts in a regular and purposeful way and have a principled plan and stay loyal to that plan.

To succeed in this way, you can even use the Telegram SCHEDULE MESSAGE feature. That is, send your content ready to send, but instead of documenting at the same time, select the SCHEDULE MESSAGE option and then specify the submission time.
Send channel posts in groups

To get a real Telegram member, your audience must discover you. Discovery by the audience is directly related to your activity. You need to share your posts in groups and super groups to introduce your channel to others. This

Groups should be relevant to the topic of your activity.

Find channels whose area of ​​activity is close to yours, and then look at the number of members they have. Put your channel link in your channel and you advertise for their channel in your channel.
Publish channel links in social media profiles

Put your channel link in your social media profile, Bio section. For example, if you have a page on Instagram, you can put your Telegram channel address in Bio Instagram. By doing this, you can find an audience for your Telegram channel from Instagram. You can even set up an account for your channel on other social networks.

The last word

With the online marketing of businesses, increasing the number of followers and members and members of social networks has become one of the main concerns of social media managers.

Telegram is no exception to this rule. Buying a fake member or follower is not recommended for activity on any social network. Just as buying a follower fake on Instagram will do a lot of damage to your page, buying or selling a fake member for Telegram is just as detrimental to your channel.

It is recommended that you use natural ways to increase the quality of your Telegram channel members, such as: producing quality content, sharing and advertising.
