How do I increase my Telegram members?

Today, for you, learn how to easily increase your Telegram members!

We have put all the tricks to increase Telegram members;

Includes Telegram members increase.

There is no doubt that Telegram is one of the best virtual networks in the world and is ranked in the top three networks in terms of users in the world,

so that more than 500 million were installed in the world.

With the expansion of the telegram, many telegram channels were created and little by little,

money was formed from the telegram,

and today hundreds of thousands of people are earning money from the telegram.

It is interesting to know that thousands of people earn millions from Telegram!

But what are the criteria for having a great income from Telegram?

Well it may be guessed, targeted and Buy Telegram real members is one of the best criteria for a channel to thrive so that the more members there are,

the more revenue, credit and… that channel’s more.

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But the basic and important question is:

How to increase your channel members?

In order to be able to attract the real increase Telegram members,

we must be creative and if we want to speed up our work, ‌

maybe for money! But in any case, it does not mean that you can not make millions from Telegram without money,

because this statement is completely incorrect and illogical,

both based on experience and based on the statistics and information of Telegram revenue that has occurred.

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first step; Telegram fake members increase is prohibited!

There are different opinions in this regard,

some believe that increasing the members of the Telegram channel is to some extent in the interest of the channel manager,

and some believe that this will hit the channel hard.

But what is the truth? The truth is, suppose your Telegram channel has 50,000 members,

and when a new member enters your channel, you see that the number of views of your posts is only a thousand!

This causes the user to run away from your channel, and more importantly, makes no one trust your channel to buy ads!

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Learn how to increase your Telegram members with a few tricks

Well, to increase real Telegram members of your Telegram channel,

you must first be patient and do all the training that we give to succeed.

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1. Take the basics very seriously

It is very important that your Telegram channel profile is completely unique and beautiful,

and that you write a good description for your channel and specify your goals from this channel,

if your goal is to make money from Telegram, you should find a very good idea and act quickly.

Do not channel. Finally, write your Telegram channel address short, beautiful and relevant.

2- Start with your friends for you

As you know, it is harder to get members to start with when you have no members,

because when a visitor sees your channel and realizes that you have a low number of members,

they leave the channel quickly, so it is better to start all your friends to join your channel.

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3- Start with a very small number of members

There are various ways to create a member,

such as Telegram channel members exchange software.

To get started, you can add 500 fake Telegram members to your channel (we mean exchange), but do not do more than that.

4- Create a blog and tap your link!

To better understand what I mean, I will give you an example,

suppose your channel is about to buy Telegram members,

so now go to blog site builders to create a blog and after creating it,

write a post to your channel about, for example, put the title:

Telegram members channel purchase channel members link, then explain a few lines of your channel and put your channel link.

By doing this if someone searches on Google;

Telegram member purchase channel,

you may be part of the results (it depends on the difficulty of the word and many other criteria)

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5- Use Telegram channel introduction sites

Of course, if you do not have the patience to build a web,

there is a better way in front of you, just search in Google,

the introduction of the Telegram channel, which again, if you search, you can benefit from them.

6- Social networks are a great way to increase the real Telegram member!

Note that you have to advertise right on the virtual network to be able to do the process of increasing Telegram members in a great way,

for example, if your channel is about animal photos, just search this hashtag on Twitter,

Instagram, Facebook and # #Animal_Photos, Then write under each photo that I have a about channel for animal photos,

if you would like to subscribe to my channel.

7- Do not forget Telegram groups and super groups

It is better to work in related groups so that you can better attract members,

but there is a problem if you advertise in a group or it will be deleted or fired (by robots) so listen to our creative way right now

Put your name: Look at my profile!

Then put the Telegram channel address and Telegram channel description on your profile.

This method is one of the best ways to increase Telegram members,

with which I attracted many members.

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8- Exchange with identical channels

In order to find channels similar to yours,

all you have to do is use the same sites that we mentioned,

find similar channels with those sites, send a message to their admin, and talk to about.

Of course, the channels do not have to be very similar,

if your channel is about Dress , then you can exchange outfits,

scarves and or with about channels!

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9- Hold a challenge and a competition with a prize

This is also a great way to increase the members of the Telegram channel.

Well, I will give an example again, suppose your channel is about Mobile,

Ask users to send you their mobile photo and put the photos in the channel.

Any photo viewed or liked more wins the contest and,

for example, will win $ 50, thus you will earn ten times as much as $ 50.


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10. Leave the original post and photo

It is very important that your posts are not copied!

And if you write the channel address in your photos in a small and stylish way in the corner of the image,

it will have a very good effect both for your branding and for attracting your Telegram channel member.

11- Users interact with the channel to produce content

This is a great way to keep users unsatisfied and interact with them,

for example, send your ID in the channel and tell your users if they have a post on the channel,

send it to me so that I can publish it on the channel and…


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12. Use Telegram hashtags

This will cause your member to search for that hashtag in your channel

and get to it faster if he or she wants to search for a specific topic,

thus increasing the satisfaction and increase of your Telegram channel member.

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13- Think a little yourself and be creative!

These 11 methods are really useful for you,

but think for yourself and be creative and tell yourself how to increase my Telegram channel members?

Maybe you will discover a new and wonderful way,

because these 11 methods were created by the managers of the Telegram channel.


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But the most important thing you should know in this regard:

How do I keep my Telegram channel members?

More important than increasing your channel members is maintaining the members!

Note that your first priority should be to keep the same members you have satisfied and then think about new members,

in no way should your channel drop for no reason every day,

this means that your members are either dissatisfied or aimless. We have attracted.

So keep these tips in mind to keep your telegram members

1- With a lot of advertising, your members will go crazy!

Please note that you are not going to launch the channel just for business and profit,

you are going to have fun with your members and benefit from them so that they do not feel bad,

which means that you should not advertise more than 2 to 5 per day.

2- Send a good post next to your ads

This is also an interesting method, for example,

if you are going to send a personal ad, prepare a good post first,

then send the ad immediately and put your good post under the ad,

this will make no one unhappy and in It will eventually improve your channel.


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3- Post at the right time and of course on time

Try to post at a specific time, for example every day at 6pm,

or on even days at 12pm,

you should have a specific time in general and the time should not be early in the morning or late at night,

because many members of your channel have notifications Will turn off and then….

In general, this point is very important to increase Telegram members.

4- Do not post too much or too little

Keep this in mind, you should not post more than 20 posts a day,

your members no longer have the patience to read so many posts and you should not post once a week,

in total one post a day and a maximum of 10 to 15 posts a day.

5- Do not leave a long post, Telegram is not a book!

Although this depends on your channel,

it should not be a long post, the shorter the better,

suppose you are on Twitter, so very briefly put the best words together.

6- Two great posts are better than 10 bad posts

You have to pay a lot of attention to this point and you should know that quality benefits more than quantity in everything,

so try to leave few great posts until you post a lot daily, but aimlessly and awfully.

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7- Leave a poll and become the king of interaction

This is also very valuable, for example,

if your channel is about Music, post a poll and ask,

dear friends, what style of music do you like the most?

By doing this, you can understand the interests of your audience.

Or you can put a like button below each post you put.

Have The Best with Us <3
