Buy Telegram Members

Buy Telegram members online is the best way to increase the members of the Telegram channel and group.

People trust the channel and groups that have a high number of members,

and the probability of buying and retaining members is directly related to the number of Telegram group or channel members.

Our site, as the most specialized reference of Telegram services, has the honor to offer the cheapest and best fake and real Telegram members.

You can increase the number of your members easily and in the shortest possible time by purchasing any of the Telegram member increase packages online.

So far, many of us have become members of a telegram group in which messages are exchanged.

These members are called members in Telegram.

How do you identify a good telegram channel?

In fact, it is better to know a good channel than its member.

Most channels can make money by attracting members as well as a good channel.

What is it like to earn money in Telegram?

For many of you, the question is, why does a person channel and what is the purpose of this?

Every person needs to set goals to start any work that these people are targeting members.

Why are members targeted?

You think you have a sporting goods store and your business is not good. What do you do in these situations?

In these cases, people are divided into two categories.

1- People who try to make a poster, which costs a lot but does not cause much sales.

People are passing by in the target poster.

That is, the person who distributes the posters is a people who give these posters to pass by.

Sometimes people tear down posters and waste your money.

2- People who have the best income at a very low cost (only installing the Telegram program).

There is a lot of creativity in these people and they can multiply its sales by beautifying their product.

The target of these people are members.

There are definitely people in the world who like to have their product shipped online.

The owners of this channel can put their devices in the telegram and people who want to receive the device at the door will buy the device.

In fact, ordinary people are members.

Join us to buy Telegram members.

If the member is the same as ordinary people, then why is the sale different?

People spend more time on mobile phones in their lives, and ordinary people may go shopping 2 to 3 times a week, but they are most active in cyberspace,

and this makes those who have created a channel related to their work sell more To be.

How can a member be attracted?

To add members, you can attract them by advertising and buying.

Members are also divided into three groups. Which you can see below.

How to buy Telegram members?

There are two ways to increase the membership.

1- Buy members

2- Advertise

Today, our goal is to buy real members.

Ways to buy real Telegram members

Buy real members is done in two separate ways, each of which is a different type.

1- Entrusting the work to a hacker
2- Entrusting work to large companies for advertising

Entrusting work to a hacker

Usually, some hackers use black hat methods (a kind of covert and illegal method) to add people to your channel,

but this will be to the detriment of your channel after a long time and your channel will fall sharply.

Entrusting work to a large company

This method is better than the first method because these companies fill your site with members by advertising on famous sites and get less money than the first method.

Also, this will not cause your channel to drop at all, and more may be added to your channel.

Real Telegram member

How does buy real members help us?

Buy real members is one of the digital marketing solutions for a business.

Also, the price of this member is calculated in terms of a thousand, and also try to get a guarantee from the other party before paying,

also try to choose the second method.

And you can get many times these costs later with the cost you make.

Real Telegram member

In fact, real members is a member who exists and can see your posts and buy from you.

How to attract real members?

There are two things you can do to add a member.

1- Advertising
2- Buy Telegram members


Advertising means that you have to publish a good and beautiful advertisement for your site in popular channels to add many members to your channel.

Buy real Telegram members

Buy Telegram members is very easy and is done by some sites and some experts.

These people with special and experienced tricks will add to the number of members you need and receive a sum of money.

Of course, there are many tricks that a person can increase their membership, but it is better to do it by someone who has experience.

Telegram Fake Member

As it turns out, there are no fake or fake members and they only increase the number of members and you should know that no visits are made to your posts.

Adding fake Telegram members also causes real members to run away.

No one will be added to your channel except the escape of these people.

How does fake members make real members run away?

Certainly people do not like to be fooled and deceived,

so when they head to a channel they pay attention to a number of members and visit a post and then decide whether to stay or not.


Telegram Fake Member

How do we know if a channel has fake or real members?

This is very easy so you just need to compare the number of members and visit a post

The result is two modes.

1- They are not much different
2- There is a big difference between visiting a post and members

In case one, this channel has real members and in case two, this channel has fake members.

Are fake member good for the channel or not?

By now, you know for a fact that fake members not only does not make money for you, but also deprives you of its core members.

So fake members is just an extra cost and has no benefit for the person and causes the site to collapse.

In the previous two types of members, one was fake and the other added the user to the channel automatically, but this type of member is not mandatory and is in the hands of the user.
If you use an informal telegram, sometimes a message will come to you saying (do you want to be added to our site channel) at this time you have the right to choose.

In fact, the Telegram pop-up member allows you to choose whether or not to enter the channel.

Note: Purchasing this type of member is only applicable to unofficial Telegram applications.

So according to this text, it can be understood that buy real members is much cheaper than fake and pop-up members,

because in this case, the real member has more views, and it is also possible that your users will invite their acquaintances to your channel.

In fact, the best way to increase your membership is:

1- Buy real members
2- Advertising
3- Buy fake members
So we must pay attention to the following points
1- Buy fake members only when necessary
2- Trying to increase the members with advertisements


Guide to diagnosing whether a member is real or fake

In previous content we read that we have three types of members for telegram channels, one of which are fake members.

These types of inexpensive members are usually purchased at the beginning of the canal construction.

This allows a real user to assume that your channel is trusted and usable.

In fact, as from the meaning of the word fake, it means a fraud that has no external existence.

In fact, it can be said that this type of platform only convinces new users to stay on your site and skilled users know how to understand the difference between real members and fake members.

Today we are talking about buy fake members.

How to find out if the channel is real members and fake?

To understand this issue, just compare the number of members and visits to 1 post.

If the number of the two was very different, then the pulpits are fake.

Buy fake members is very easy and also does not come with much cost

but you can not grow your business by adding fake members so you have to join the real members.

When to buy fake members?

The best time to buy fake members in the first period is when you have built your channel and are looking to collect real pulpits.

These types of pulpits are not very expensive and are one of the reputable sites that have a good background in selling members

You should also try to buy active as well as real members for your channel.

You can also visit the site to buy Telegram members.

What do fake members do?

Regarding this question, it can be said that the job of these types of users is to deceive the user,

that is, the user, seeing the number of your members, understands whether this site is trusted or not,

and whether products can be purchased from this site or not.

In these cases, real members need to be able to use their experience and transfer it to new users.

fake members is only for cheating and no sales or income is obtained from it,

so it is better to try to add many members to our channel by advertising and buying, but real members.

Telegram Member Growth Guide

As you know, members are the members and in Telegram channels, members are the most important thing.

We can increase the membership in two ways.

1- Buy Telegram members

2- Advertising

Today our main discussion is about advertising or increasing free membership.

With these solutions, you can increase your membership at no cost.

You can go to your phone contacts for the initial increase of your channels,

but this number of contacts is not good for a channel. So what should we do?

Exchange groups

The best way to increase your membership is to exchange groups or telegram channels with each other.

Many groups, like you, are looking to recruit members to grow, and their membership is about the same as the number of members you ‌

they certainly like to turn their channel into a super channel at no cost.

You can find a lot of these groups and channels by spending a little time a day and keep in touch with their admins so you can exchange members.

How to exchange groups?

In this type of membership exchange, you create an advertising banner with a beautiful view and give it to the admin of the opposite channel,

and also give you a banner from the opposite channel, and both of you have the task of banners.

On your channel and advertise for each other.

It can be said that this is a commodity-to-commodity transaction, but contrary to expectations,

the profit of this transaction is not always equal, but in this type of transaction, someone benefits more if the banner is more beautiful.

The more beautiful your banner, the more users will be attracted and the more likely you are to subscribe to your channel.

You should try to design a beautiful banner to increase your group members.

Exchange members as views

As you know, visiting posts is one of the criteria for adding a member.

A view is something that a post has been viewed by multiple users.

Now that you are familiar with the concept of a view and the number of views of a post,

I must say how the view is exchanged.

The first method

This exchange is such that you agree with the admin of the opposite channel what time your ad posts are on your channel,

which means that you can agree that each of your ad posts will remain on the channel at 12 noon tomorrow at 8 am.

Method You can increase yourself.

The second method

In this way, you can agree with the other admin on the view of 1,000 users,

which means that the other party will remove your banner when he puts your banner in his channel and after visiting a thousand users.

The advantage of exchanging channel members

One of the advantages of this exchange is that your banner is guaranteed if it is not very attractive,

it will not be removed after certain visits.

Problem of member exchange

One of the problems with member exchanges is that if you design a very beautiful banner

and spend a lot of time on it until your post gets a thousand views, the channel admin can delete you.

Hourly exchange of members

One of the most common member exchanges is the hourly exchange,

which means that you agree with the other admin that your post will be on the channel from 1pm to 8pm,

and after the view is not deleted, of course, this also has its stress.

The advantage of hourly exchange

The advantage of hourly exchange is that your post will not be deleted after many visits and you can add more members to your channel.

Hourly exchange problem

The problem of hourly exchange can be said that if your post is not attractive,

there is no guarantee and it is possible that it will be deleted with 500 views.

Create challenges and quizzes

In this course, one of the best and easiest ways to increase your real free membership is to create contests and challenges.

You can increase your memberships by setting up award-winning competitions and inviting your members to challenge

Advantage of placing a contest

This is full of advantages, but the main thing is that you ensure that your channel gets members and members also recommend this challenge to their acquaintances.

The second advantage is that these competitions are free,

and if the competition has a prize, you can spend a very small amount by adding the most members.

buy  real members is a better way to advertise than because your channel will not have any member drop-offs.

And turn your channel exchanges into a popular and popular channel.

Have The Best With Us <3
