What do we mean by post views on Telegram?

First of all, before any explanation, you should know what is meant by post views on Telegram. In all telegram channels, at the bottom of each post that is published, a number is written that shows how many people have seen this post.

For this reason, buying Telegram views is very important for people who work in this application and are earning money. Telegram views show how popular your channel is. In fact, the more views you have on your posts, the more trust your channel members will have.

As a result, in addition to increasing channel members, sales of your products will also increase.
Many people decide to buy fake members at the beginning of their career and increase the number of members of their channel. You might think that buying fake members will increase your post views too, but you are completely wrong. Buying fake members only increases the number of channel members and does not increase the number of views on your Telegram channel

Best place to buy fake Telegram members cheap! - ویرگول

Do you have a channel but the number of views of channel posts is low?

Telegram views service is one of the services of views market panel. Which has facilitated the work of the channel admins and Telegram visit sellers. You can easily increase your channel post views in the fastest time. Unlike some other websites, our service has instant delivery. Since visiting posts should start and be done in the shortest time. We are fully aware of this and have been providing these services for several years. You have a high number of members but few posts. With this service, you can easily enter the requested number of visits and then receive it in a few minutes.

The higher your channel views are, the better your channel will look for the audience.


Have you participated in a telegram challenge or contest?

You can easily send the desired number of views for each post you want in the shortest time to win the competition and challenges. You can also use these services to buy Telegram poll votes or Telegram likes. One of the things that users pay attention to is the number of channel members and the other is the view of channel posts.


sending views is done by virtual numbers and posts are not seen by real users. Easily increase the popularity of your channel and grow very fast by buying Telegram views and members.

One of the features that we have for the Telegram visit service is to set the speed of sending the visit, which you can easily set by selecting the speed of sending the visit. Time to place a telegram visit order; 1 to 2 minutes after order registration, the order is processed completely automatically. Enter the correct channel name in the order registration.

you can determine the speed of getting views in @eagleviewsbot



Imagine you want to purchase something for yourself, you may find many related channels which are selling the product you need on Telegram, suppose you have found two channels and you want to decide where to choose.

Take a look at these two photos:

these two screenshots belong to two channels. which one looks better in your sight?




which one would you prefer to trust?

  • Most likely, most of us choose the channel with the same number of members that has more post views in order to buy something. Because the most important feature that a channel should have is that the number of channel members should match the number of post views and of course the more members and the more post views a channel has, the more credibility and trust will be made in the sight of users.


Our Telegram Views Bot: @eagleviewsbot

We have provided a telegram robot which you can use to increase the views of your posts (You can increase the number of visits of each post up to 50,000). For example, if your posts normally get 10,000 views, you can boost it to 60,000.

Its name is Eagle. tap on @eagleviewsbot and /start the bot to boost your Telegram post views. You can also get 5,000 FREE views as a new user in our bot 
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